Sunday, July 25, 2010

Great Article 30 Things You Might Not Know about Caddyshack

Bill Murray as Carl Spackler in Caddyshack
It is the 30th Anniversary of Caddyshack, an 80's Comedy Classic and Erik Larnick did a great piece on this classic movie.  If you love Caddyshack as much as I do, you will love reading through his 30 tidbits about the movie that you probably did not know.   And if, god forbid, you have never seen Caddyshack...get it to the top of your rental list right away!!

Isn't it amazing how many of the great comedies came out of the 1980's; Caddyshack, Blues Brothers, Ferris Bueller, Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Ghostbusters, Airplane!, This is Spinal Tap, etc.  It was such a fruitful comedy time, that it has become one of the popular ranking categories on Rankography.  Here is the Composite Ranking (blend of all member rankings) for Comedies from the 80s.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Just to add some color to how great the 80s were for Comedies, of the people that have rated this category, they have ranked a total of 67 total 80s comedies!! We only include 30 on the Composite Ranking but that is incredible.



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