Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to Use Rankography movies

We want to welcome you to Rankography and provide this overview of some of the key features of the site and how you can use it for your own benefit.  Rankography is a site for its users and created by its users. You create the categories, you choose the movies in a category ranking and you order them (drag and drop) depending on how well you like them. Right now we are focused on Movies but in the future we will add other “meta” categories and we will ask you the users to help us pick them.

Discover Favorite Movies of Other Members you Like
The Front Page provides an easy way to browse through member's rankings.  Each member's ranking profile shows 4 categories they have selected to highlight and you can see their favorite movies in each category.  You can quickly determine members that have similar tastes to your own then find movies you have not seen that they recommend.

Discover More Movies in a Category
So, let’s talk about what you can do with the site. I happen to love movies with “surprise endings”, but of course you can’t just search for movies with surprise endings on the web or at your local Blockbuster. So I created a category called Surprise Endings. As other members rank that category, I will be able to see their rankings and discover other  great movies with surprise endings.  In the future, we will be adding a composite ranking for each category that averages results from all user rankings.

Share and Compare
Much of the idea for the site was born out of our experiences ranking movies with friends. The site facilitates those discussions virtually. Once you have ranked a category, like Gangster Movies, you can easily share it with friends using the site’s tools. You can also create a widget and display it on your favorite social network (e.g., facebook) or add it to a blog. What a great way to start a discussion or debate with friends.

Promote your Blog or Movie Review Site
There are many great benefits specifically designed for movie bloggers and reviewers. Rankography is an easy tool to create favorite lists in a category. It can be a broad category like Best Comedies or a more focused category such as the Best Comedies about High School. You can publish your own ranking to your website and you can also promote your website with a quality link and description on your profile page. Here is my profile page for your info. There is also a Group feature that allows several bloggers in a genre, such as Horror, to create a public or private category for a group.

We have a large and growing database of movies. We currently have over 3,000 movies in our database. We created the initial database based on a number of factors that might indicate their likelihood of ending up on a ranked list including, box office success, award winning, critical acclaim, specificity to a genre, notoriety, etc. However, you can add any movie that is not included in our database. An added movie can immediately be used in your ranked list (no adult movies – they will be deleted), but will not be added to the entire database until approved by us. The approval process helps us maintain the integrity of the database and prevents duplicates, misspellings and other errors that could frustrate our users.

We hope you enjoy using Rankography and get lots of benefit from the site. One of the great things about social networking sites, like ours, is that the benefits of the site grow for all our users as more people join. So if you like the site and enjoy using it, please tell your friends. If you have suggestions to improve the site, please feel free to contact us.


  1. This website is a remarkable tool for all of us who run Movie Blog sites. It is also an incredible site for many people to discover with time. This will truly allow for all of us to discover movies we may have never known about before, share what we know about movies, and share traffic among each others sites. I want to give out props to the team who have put this website together and let you all know to keep up the fantastic work.

  2. Thanks Rob, we are really glad you like it and thanks for adding so much value with the rankings and movies you have added to the site.

    Ultimately, the value of the site is completely based on the rankings of its members.



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