Inspired by New York Magazine's recent piece
'At Home on Screen' and the passing of
Sidney Lumet, a legendary 'cinematic captor' of NYC, I took a shot at
ranking my favorite films set in New York City. With such a
vast number of NYC movies, I ended up with a ranking that looks very much like the scores of others who have identified their favorite iconic NYC pictures: Manhattan (or almost anything Woody Allen), Network, When Harry Met Sally, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Godfather, Do the Right Thing, Taxi Driver, etc.
So, instead of recapping the obvious quintessential NYC movies, here are five interesting New York movies that you may have forgotten:
The Sidewalks of New York (2001):
The Last Days of Disco (1998):
Metropolitan (1990):
The Squid and the Whale (2005):
Six Degrees of Separation (1993):

(*Click film titles for IMDb details and accompanying photo for film trailer)
“Hello, fellow LAMB. Just wanted to let you know that The LAMMYs are coming up and we are hoping for the best voter turnout for the nominations ever. Every LAMB #1-900 is eligible to vote (and to win!), and that includes you. To participate, please go to this site: