Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Congratulations to Our Contest Winners

Well November has ended and so has our rankings contest.  Congratulations to garv who ran away with First Place in both the Total Ranked Categories and Incremental Ranked Categories contests for a total of $80 ($40 in each contest) in Amazon gift cards. Garv started the month with only 3 ranked categories and ended with a whopping 269 ranked categories.  WOW!  Here is a link to all of Garv's rankings

David_mikec pushed garv the entire month and ended in a fairly close second place in both categories with a total of 208 categories ranked. David joined Rankography during November so all his rankings were Incremental.  David won Second Place in both contests for a total win of $50 ($25 in each contest).  Here is a link to all of david_mikec's rankings

TheHollywoodRevue made a very respectable run at the contest and finished third with a total of 48 categories ranked.  Although she finished just outside the money, we have decided to give her a $20 Amazon gift card for her stellar effort.  Here is a link to all of TheHollywoodRevue's rankings

In total, we gave away $150 for contest winners.  Congrats to all three and thanks for the excellent effort.  We plan to run similar contests again sometime in the New Year, so stay tuned.

The best thing about the contest is the vast and deep knowledge that these three excellent film fans passed along to the community.  They added over 800 movies to the database and created almost 200 new categories during the month, such as:

Cary Grant Movies
Best Revenge Films
It Should have Won Best Picture
Most Deserving Best Picture Winners
Movies that Survived Keanu Reeves
Movies based on TV Shows

And many, many more.

They put a lot of thought into new categories and all their rankings and we will all benefit by browsing through their ranked categories.

The Rankography Team

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